PHOTOS: Here are the finalists in our search for the best Fayetteville-area hot dogs

A Chicago dog from Dogslingers at 2801 Raeford Road.
A Chicago dog from Dogslingers at 2801 Raeford Road.
Andrew Craft, The Fayetteville Observer
Foot long hot dog with chili, onions and mustard from Weiner Works
Foot long hot dog with chili, onions and mustard from Weiner Works
Andrew Craft, The Fayetteville Observer
A chili dog from American Cravings Food Truck. Pictured at Haymount Truck Stop at 100 Broadfoot Ave.
A chili dog from American Cravings Food Truck. Pictured at Haymount Truck Stop at 100 Broadfoot Ave.
Andrew Craft, The Fayetteville Observer
A Chicago dog and Memphis dog from Crave Hot Dogs & BBQ at 2725 Freedom Parkway Dr.
A Chicago dog and Memphis dog from Crave Hot Dogs & BBQ at 2725 Freedom Parkway Dr.
Andrew Craft, The Fayetteville Observer
A Carolina hotdog and a Coney dog from Will's Grill at 4011 Sycamore Dairy Road
A Carolina hotdog and a Coney dog from Will's Grill at 4011 Sycamore Dairy Road
Andrew Craft, The Fayetteville Observer
Big T's at 3609 N Main St. in Hope Mills.
Big T's at 3609 N Main St. in Hope Mills.
Provided By Big T's
Spicy Southern hot dogs from R Kitchen at 1006 Person St.
Spicy Southern hot dogs from R Kitchen at 1006 Person St.
Andrew Craft, The Fayetteville Observer
Bacon-wrapped hot dog with mayonnaise, grilled onion, tomato, cucumber, mustard and ketchup from Baja Dogs food truck in Fayetteville.
Bacon-wrapped hot dog with mayonnaise, grilled onion, tomato, cucumber, mustard and ketchup from Baja Dogs food truck in Fayetteville.
Provided To The Fayetteville Observer By Baja Dogs
Bacon wrapped hot dog BLT from Hot Diggidy Dog at 106 Roxie Ave.
Bacon wrapped hot dog BLT from Hot Diggidy Dog at 106 Roxie Ave.
Andrew Craft, The Fayetteville Observer