Move over March Madness: March Napness for rescue bears seeks to crown a sleep champion

Not a big fan of basketball? You can still get in on a different type of March Madness this month by choosing your bracket from a lineup of napping bears instead.
For the second year in a row, global animal welfare organization Four Paws USA is hosting its one-of-a-kind March Napness competition, an event that spans several countries in search of this year's sleepy champion.
Bear sanctuaries in Switzerland, Austria, Kosovo, Germany, Bulgaria and Ukraine have submitted their best-trained nappers based on hibernation patterns, creating a bracket of 23 competitors for the 2024 title.
Four Paws will track the bears through March and April as they awake from hibernation; the last bear standing or, rather sleeping, will take home the coveted title of Sleepiest Bear 2024.
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Rescue bears learn to nap
According to Four Paws, which runs wildlife sanctuaries in countries across the globe, many of the bears in its care were rescued from conditions that prevented them from acting out natural behaviors, meaning many of them experience instinctual acts like hibernation for the first time after arriving at one of their refuges.
The organization said that bears living in Four Paws' sanctuaries were rescued from many backgrounds, including bear baiting, dancing bear shows, tourist attractions at restaurants, cub petting operations and more.
"Sadly, all of the bears have experienced trauma and poor keeping in one way or another before their rescue," Four Paws said on its Instagram. "It’s common for bears kept in poor conditions to stop exhibiting natural behaviors, such as hibernation. So when they come into our care and are given the opportunity to live a more natural, happier life, many of them experience hibernation for the very first time and we think that’s cause for celebration!"
The roster is stacked with bears of different ages and levels of competitive sleeping experience, meaning fans have plenty of champions to choose from when filling out their rosters and casting votes for the winner. Weekly updates on Four Paws social media pages will let the world know who has woken up and who is still in the running.
Bears to keep an eye on this March Napness
As for a fan favorite? One newcomer has extra eyes on him, as this is his first hibernation since coming to a Four Paws sanctuary.
Mark, an approximately 26-year-old bear, was rescued from Albania as a restaurant bear who was kept in a "tiny rusty cage where he only felt the cold concrete floor" and was used to attract customers. Because of this, Mark, who was Albania's last such restaurant bear according to Four Paws, had some trouble adjusting to a more natural life after he was taken to the refuge in Arbesbach, Austria.
Rescued in December 2022, Mark made slow progress at first but surprised and delighted staff almost one year later on Nov. 22, 2023, when he entered his den to hibernate for the first time since arriving and presumably for the first time in his life.
"While sleeping for full months on end might already seem like a dream come true to many of us, it's an even bigger deal for bears like Mark who were kept in poor conditions and robbed of the ability to experience such natural behaviors," the sanctuary said in a post introducing Mark as this year's newest participant. "The fact that Mark is now able to rest easy and enjoy a winter sleep is an incredible testament to his resilience – and to the care provided to him by the dedicated sanctuary staff."
Last year's title went to Mascha of Sanctuary Muritz in Germany, who does not appear to be in this year's lineup. The 2023 runner-up Ari, however, is returning to the tournament from her home sanctuary in Prishtina, Kosovo, presumably with hopes of beating her own prior record of sleeping until April 25.
Fans can fill out an interactive bracket from Four Paws and stay up-to-date by following and interacting with their social media accounts across platforms.
May the best napper win!