june 6
- Spring Festival of Dance 06.05.16
- Spring Festival of Dance 06.05.16
- Summer television preview: Find your next guilty pleasure
- Spring Festival of Dance 06.05.16
- Bradley Wanovich
- Beach reads: Summer is completely booked
- New Miss USA is Army officer, former Fayetteville resident
- Spring Festival of Dance 06.05.16
- Maxton man injured, passenger killed in Highway Patrol pursuit in Robeson County
- Renez Howard
- Residents' concerns over flooding could add costs to Hope Mills dam, attorney says
- McGirt's first PGA Tour win delights hometown of Fairmont
- Spring Festival of Dance 06.05.16
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- Spring Festival of Dance 06.05.16
- Summer television preview: Find your next guilty pleasure
- Fayetteville police seek help in identifying Arran Lake break-in suspects
- Our View: A pulled trigger changes young lives forever
- Our View: Court and Congress need your votes tomorrow
- WWII France
- Spring Festival of Dance 06.05.16
- Voices of Fayetteville
- Spring Festival of Dance 06.05.16
- McGirt's first PGA Tour wins delights hometown of Fairmont
- Voices of Fayetteville
- Spring Festival of Dance 06.05.16
- WWII D-Day Preparation
- Brian Rimpf
- Spring Festival of Dance 06.05.16
- Crime Report for Monday, June 6
- Voices of Fayetteville
- Freightliner laying off about 800 workers in North Carolina
- WWII France D-Day
- The long way home: Ex-POW recalls hardships of surviving World War II
- Spring Festival of Dance 06.05.16
- Voices of Fayetteville
- Charlotte Blume "Celebration of Life" 06.05.16
- Beach reads: Summer is completely booked
- 'Jurassic Park' paleontologist retiring from museum he built
- Spring Festival of Dance 06.05.16
- No roosters allowed?
- Memorable moments from 15 years of Bonnaroo festival
- Charlotte Blume "Celebration of Life" 06.05.16
- Voices of Fayetteville
- Terry Lynn Taylor
- Spring Festival of Dance 06.05.16
- Paul Simon: Still adventurous after all these years
- Charlotte Blume "Celebration of Life" 06.05.16
- Presumptive Democratic nominee
- Family escapes Moore County home after couch catches fire
- Spring Festival of Dance 06.05.16
- Sunday storm causes damage in Gray's Creek
- Charlotte Blume "Celebration of Life" 06.05.16
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- Spring Festival of Dance 06.05.16
- Charlotte Blume "Celebration of Life" 06.05.16
- Spring Festival of Dance 06.05.16
- Carlos Jaramillo
- Spring Festival of Dance 06.05.16
- Charlotte Blume "Celebration of Life" 06.05.16
- Colin promises another rainy day for Sandhills
- Charlotte Blume "Celebration of Life" 06.05.16
- Spring Festival of Dance 06.05.16
- Beach reads: Summer is completely booked
- Charlotte Blume "Celebration of Life" 06.05.16
- No tax increase for Harnett County residents
- Leon Goldstein: Justice or hypocrisy?
- Spring Festival of Dance 06.05.16
- Charlotte Blume "Celebration of Life" 06.05.16
- Sunday storm causes damage in Gray's Creek
- Spring Festival of Dance 06.05.16
- Charlotte Blume "Celebration of Life" 06.05.16
- Bret Strelow: Big South looking for solutions to transfer imbalance
- Spring Festival of Dance 06.05.16
- Charlotte Blume "Celebration of Life" 06.05.16
- Spring Festival of Dance 06.05.16
- Charlotte Blume "Celebration of Life" 06.05.16
- Spring Festival of Dance 06.05.16
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- Spring Festival of Dance 06.05.16
- Charlotte Blume "Celebration of Life" 06.05.16
- Spring Festival of Dance 06.05.16
- AP: Hillary Clinton clinches Democratic presidential nomination
- Charlotte Blume "Celebration of Life" 06.05.16
- Sunday storm caused damage in Gray's Creek area
- Miss USA
- Family escapes Moore County home after couch catches fire
- Federal, state plan tied to disaster aid approved by Cumberland commissioners
- Dday 2
- Miss USA
- Spring Festival of Dance 06.05.16
- Miss USA
- Charlotte Blume "Celebration of Life" 06.05.16
- Miss USA
- Spring Festival of Dance 06.05.16
- Miss USA
- Charlotte Blume "Celebration of Life" 06.05.16
- Miss USA
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- Seventy-First's Tyler Thomas signs to play basketball for Mount Olive
- Spring Festival of Dance 06.05.16
- Miss USA
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- Charlotte Blume "Celebration of Life" 06.05.16
- Miss USA
- Dance students pay homage to beloved instructor Charlotte Blume
- Miss USA
- Spring Festival of Dance 06.05.16
- Dana Milbank: GOP embraces Trump
- 82nd jumps into France to commemorate D-Day
- Miss USA
- Charlotte Blume "Celebration of Life" 06.05.16
- Miss USA
- Miss USA
- 82nd jumps into France to commemorate D-Day
- Spring Festival of Dance 06.05.16
- Miss USA
- Miss USA
- Charlotte Blume "Celebration of Life" 06.05.16
- 82nd jumps into France to commemorate D-Day
- Miss USA
- William Sturdivant
- Spring Festival of Dance 06.05.16
- Letter: Voting honors patriots' sacrifices
- 'Jurassic Park' paleontologist retiring from museum he built
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- 82nd jumps into France to commemorate D-Day
- Molly Mae Monroe
- Charlotte Blume "Celebration of Life" 06.05.16
- Cumberland County Crime Report for June 7, 2016
- 82nd jumps into France to commemorate D-Day
- 82nd jumps into France to commemorate D-Day
- Spring Festival of Dance 06.05.16
- 82nd jumps into France to commemorate D-Day
- Monday Moment: Youngsters hone baseball skills for success
- Charlotte Blume "Celebration of Life" 06.05.16
- Earl Vaughan Jr.'s spring football tour: Cape Fear
- Toddler's death: Former social workers tell of office stress, burnout
- Spring Festival of Dance 06.05.16
- Fayetteville-Cumberland Parks and Rec softball tournaments start Monday
- Spring Festival of Dance 06.05.16
- 82nd jumps into France to commemorate D-Day
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- Charlotte Blume "Celebration of Life" 06.05.16
- 82nd jumps into France to commemorate D-Day
- Memorable moments from 15 years of Bonnaroo festival
- Kurt Busch conserves fuel for a Sprint Cup win at Pocono Raceway
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- 82nd jumps into France to commemorate D-Day
- Spring Festival of Dance 06.05.16
- Kurt Busch
- Charlotte Blume "Celebration of Life" 06.05.16
- 82nd jumps into France to commemorate D-Day
- Spring Festival of Dance 06.05.16
- Leon Earthy Chesnutt
- 82nd jumps into France to commemorate D-Day
- Luke Thomas
- Spring Festival of Dance 06.05.16
- 82nd jumps into France to commemorate D-Day
- Beach reads: Summer is completely booked
- Beach reads: Summer is completely booked
- Myron B. Pitts: When I saw Ali, I knew a legend had entered the arena
- Spring Festival of Dance 06.05.16
- Full Throttle: Rockin' and rollin' in the dirt with Carlos Jaramillo
- Spring Festival of Dance 06.05.16
- Death Notices for June 5, 2016
- Sunday storm winds topple trees
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- Spring Festival of Dance 06.05.16
- Spring Festival of Dance 06.05.16
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- Spring Festival of Dance 06.05.16
- Bill Sochovka
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- 82nd Airborne paratrooper commemorates 72nd anniversary of D-Day with grandfather's dog tags
- Remembering Charlotte Blume
- Spring Festival of Dance 06.05.16
- Four convicted murderers try again to escape death row
- Tropical Storm Colin's rain adds to soggy situation
- Muhammad Ali in Fayetteville
- Caroline Buzzard
- WWII France D-Day
- Spring Festival of Dance 06.05.16
- Fayetteville City Council to weigh restrictions on farm animals
- Kurt Busch conserves fuel for a Sprint Cup win at Pocono Raceway
- D-Day 3
- Veteran-owned company hosting job fair Tuesday in Fayetteville on Legion Road
- Spring Festival of Dance 06.05.16
- Dance students pay homage to beloved instructor Charlotte Blume
- Cheers to two employees of Major Appliance; to Hinkamp Jewelers
- Spring Festival of Dance 06.05.16
- "Chillah for Teens" program
- Paul Simon: Still adventurous after all these years
- Spring Festival of Dance 06.05.16
- Beach reads: Summer is completely booked